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Track. Cook. Collaborate.

ytmi provides a mobile app that tracks food expiration dates, suggests recipes, and allows families to collaborate on meal planning.

ytmi is a startup that aims to simplify the meal planning process through an intuitive mobile app. Our app allows you to easily track your food expiration dates, suggest recipes based on your preferences, and collaborate with your family to decide what to cook.

Who we are?

Problems we solve

At My Site, we are dedicated to providing exceptional services

Food waste

Every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted due to poor meal planning. One of our mission is to reduce this number as much as possible.

Healthy diet

Another huge problem we tackle is poor meal quality. Our app will plan your cooking ahead, so you will not fall for faster options like fast-food.

Family Collaboration

Besides, to reduce the waste even more, out app provides with the platform where all family members could chose what they want the most for the dinner. Thus, no more unwanted leftovers!

How it works?

  • The app track your food and warns you before it's expired

  • Also, it helps you to decide what to cook based on your preferences and healthiness

  • Family collaboration feature allows all family members to participate in meal choice

Intuitive Design

Expiration Tracking

Recipe Suggestions

So, how to use it?

2. Family chat.

The chat allows you to collaborate with the rest of family to plan the cooking in advance.

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1. Products.

This function allows you to track your products by scanning the barcode, or manually adding it.

3. Recipes.

Recipes section will store all your favorite dishes, and suggest some of it to cook based on the products left.

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Family poll feature allows the users to make collaborative decisions on what to cook

The app will also track the expiry dates of the products to warn you before  it's gone

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